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  • Category: Events

    Deva prasnam at Padmanabhaswami temple

    After having opened some of the hidden rooms and announced the valuable deposits there, the temple authorities are conducting a Deva prasnam to see whether it is proper to look into the hidden treasures, etc.
    Actually, if the authorities are going to believe in the results of this prasna, they ought have gone for this prior to starting the excavation operations. Having done more than half the work, why this approach to verify the actions?
  • #4411
    I agree with Sri Sankaran out the timing of the devaprasnam done in respect of the Thiru Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple. Either it should have been before the present situation started or else the devaprasnam should have been done after the present state comes to its logical conclusions. It will not serve much purpose at this time.

    However, as the reports indicate, the prasnam was mainly for finding out as to the reasons for the present state of affairs. As per the findings of the prasnam. The deity is unhappy over the way the affairs of the temple activities, both the administrations and the rituals, were being conducted. The contention of the late Sunderarajan who initiated the current process is vindicated by the devaprasnam.

    Whatever may be the next steps of actions either from the court or the Government, the present set of actions of the court to record the properties both manually and then by videos are a must. There is a say that even if some thing is trashed it should be measured before trashing. In this case it is not trash, but wealth. Hence it is all the more necessary that a record is kept so that every one know what are the items involved, however these items may be dealt with by the authorities.

    Once the court procedures are over, let us hope that the authorities will reconstitute the present management and the institutions that conduct the rituals and set a guideline for the future. Let us hope that wise counsel will prevail over the authorities.

    With Regards
    Ramanathan A R

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