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  • Category: General

    Kerala on fear of Gunda Attacks

    On last week at Thiruvananthapuram, there were three men died because of the Gunda attacks. The three died of 2 different incidents in various places of Thiruvananthapuram district. This is not rare news. Gunda gangs and their attacks are all over the state.

    As per humanity human life is more important than any other in this world. We then hear this kind of news also. Gunda gangs give no value to human life. Died ones were Gunda's or not; but they are human beings.
    Here do discuss about, whether Gunda gangs have any role in a society?
    Whether the current rules are sufficient to ban them?
  • #4914
    Hi Prashob, It's not an unusual news as far as Kerala is concerned. Everyday, we read and watch the news regarding goondas an quotations from all over the state. It never seems to be decreasing but rising gradually. When it is seen that the tv channels present daily program dedicated to only crimes, what can we think about the devaluation of our society. Goondas give no value for the life of a human. Only thing they need is money and people should fear them. The rich and politicians are those who are watering and fostering the growth of these goonda gangs. Even the teenage students are getting fallen in this net dreaming the earning of money in easy way. The fight between goonda gangs are making the Kerala soil a scarlet. On the same soil where many freedom fighters shed their blood for rights and freedom..

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