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  • Category: Report Issues

    I don't get the payment in the month of April

    I have posted my invoice for my payment of April through gifts and award page 5 days before with core bank account number and have updated my status. But till now I have not get any response from administrators. Please help me with this issue and provide my payment soon.
  • #4030
    Hello Nijin,

    No need to worry. Normally once you submit your invoice, your invoice will be processed in that week itself. I reported your problem to the Webmasters and other administrators. Please wait for their response.

    With Regards,
    Sobhana K.B

  • #4036

    When I will be paid. Waiting for my payment.

    Forum Editor SPK

  • #4037
    Thanks spiderkerala.
    Today I have got Rs 1000 from spiderkerala.

    Forum Editor SPK

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