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  • Category: General

    World child labour day

    Today, 12th June, is the the Day against the Child Labour. India is one of the countries where the child labour is maximum. Perhaps, based on the number of child labourers, the highest number is in India.

    In Kerala, most of the medium type hotels, the menial works are done by children, mainly those belonging to other States. they are not allowed to talk with the customers. In several work places the presence of children can be seen.
  • #4162
    Childhood is the most innocent phase of everybody's life. It is sad to know that in India child labour is maximum. In fact India accounts for the second highest number where child labour in the world is concerned. We can see child labours all around India. They are tortured and made to work for the whole day. And the reward they get is food for the day. Most of them have sad stories of their past haunting. They have no voice to react. They don't know the essence of freedom. They are slaves. Imagine our own brothers and sisters being harassed like them... yes we cant stand it . Dear Indians, please react to this cruelty.

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