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  • Category: General

    Why six gas cylinders with subsidy ?

    It is reported why the number of cooking gas cylinders with subsidy is fixed as six. A survey conducted has given that the number of cylinders used in Kerala during the period from April to September, six months, was 1.99 crore cylinders, giving an average of 2.84 cylinders for six months.The Oil companies conducted this study and accordingly the number of cylinders for a year would be only on an average 5.68 cylinders (rounding this to the nearest number only six cylinders).

    If looked into the national level this average lies between 6.33 to 7.04 cylinders.
  • #6180
    Yet being a bit credulous on the topic I strongly doubt the companies. They are looking forward to increase their income and by presenting such a survey conclusion the only one who will benefit will be the companies. It is just a matter of manipulation with the data. Try for yourself. Simply ask everyone you know how many cylinders do they use every year. And then you will know that the companies are simply tricking us into paying more.

  • #6185
    What you doubted can be right. However, the data collection can lead to wrong information, no doubt. As per the 2011 census, village dwellers are more than town dwellers. In villages, even if they have a gas connection they will be using fire wood also additionally, since fire woods are available. So naturally their cylinders last for more days, and perhaps they may require only six or less number of cylinders.Even in small towns this is the case. Only in large towns and cities people will be depending on gas cylinders alone. So, even if it is a random sample the conclusion could be wrong by arriving at a lower estimate.
    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6188
    In villages we still see the joint family system which is very different than the nuclear family systems of the city. In such cases bigger families will get only 6 cylinders on subsidy rate and even if they adjust in villages with alternatives like firewood that still will not be a satisfactory number. I consider that such restrictions be put according to the number of members of a family than simply swiping up a big range under the fixed amount of cylinders.

  • #6278
    Gas cylinders are the important thing in kitchens. But I think 6 gas cylinders are enough for ordinary use. But if a house has atleast 7 or 8 members, 6 or 7 cylinders are not enough. So need other methods. We can use bio gas plant. It will give clean areas and bio gas and also reduce usage of gas cylinders.

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