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  • Category: Questions About Spider Kerala

    Validity of a forum thread.

    I joined in Spider Kerala before two month. I have seen lot of threads in a forum are unanswered. The matter is that this thread were posted before many months. Whether I can response for this type of thread? Is there any validity for responding to old threads.
  • #6853
    I don't think there is any time limit for this. Any thread can be discussed when it comes to one's attention. It is a fact that those who join recently will be seeing the threads posted long back. Naturally if the contents of the thread has still value then one can react by responding.
    Certain threads will be just based on issues or events occurring during a particular time, which ma not have relevance later, hence no meaning in responding.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6855
    There is no validity for any of the forums and you can respond to any one of them if you are interested in that particular topic. There may be some forum which are permanently locked by the editors. This is because that topic may not have any further importance. Such posts can be seened as locked and is not able to respond. The polls which are added in posts will be easily made inactive after few days but then also the forum is active and is able to respond. New members are requested to respond to old posts and at the same time contribute some new threads and good quality articles for the development of site. Thank you and best wishes.

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