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  • Category: General

    After retirement from any service do you prefer working ?

    Generally in any service after certain age, may be 55, 58, 60, 62, 65, etc., one has to retire. Many people take this point of time as a retirement time totally. They do not take up any new assignment.
    But my experience is just in the opposite way. I retired at sixty. One or two weeks I did not feel anything. But afterwards I started feeling restlessness. Of course even before retirement I had four or five offers for employment. I was a bit reluctant to accept most of them. When an offer to work as the Research Coordinator of a Research institution came I was happy to accept it, though it was not much remunerative. Later I had to work in that institution itself as its Director. After leaving that I was requested to join another research institution as its Senior Adviser. More than two years I worked with them.

    Then I again started feeling restlessness. (Of course, I was overcoming this state of mind by taking up different voluntary works). This time an entirely different assignment was offered to me. It was to become the President of the local Service Cooperative Bank. I was elected to the post unanimously and the term of office is for five years.

    So now I continue as Coop. Bank's President.i continue my voluntary works (Secretary of a some what big library, Member of the editorial board of Popular science magazine, District committee member of a volunteer organization, etc.).
    Now I feel that after retirement I have become more energetic and fully engaged.
  • #6968
    I respect your views and appreciate your contribution to the society.
    I my view, there is no word like retirement. Unless a man stops adding values to the society, is still working.
    Best regards & happy going..!

  • #6981
    There is no retirement if you are capable enough. As long as you can, continue your work and go on contributing for the well being of people. The retirement period is kept in for all works so that new people gets opportunity. We should do some useful things after retirement which will make us remember for long in the society. Best wishes.

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