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  • Category: General

    Fifteen bird species of India included in Red data book.

    Biodiversity of our planet Earth is facing serious problems since several species of animals and plants are disappearing from its eco system. The latest Red Data Book entries of International Union for conservation of Nature (IUCN) show that fifteen species of birds are 'critically endangered'. Another three are coming in the 'near threatened' and 'vulnerable' category. Migratory birds are coming in the list of 'critically endangered'. These birds are generally seen in wet land areas. Certain species of vultures are also recorded in the book.

    Different living organisms vanish from the surface of earth because the conditions of land around it become unfit for their living. Very often the loss of food chain is a major reason for such situations. If we look around we can see examples of these changes. Caterpillars or such smaller varieties of flies are slowly vanishing from certain localities. Use of pesticides is a major cause of this.
  • #7172
    This is an amazing article related to endangered species in India which are extinct. As being responsible citizens of India we need to promote those species which are extinct and also create the climate of earth better place to live in for future generations and also birds which are extinct in India and make India better place to live in.

  • #7197
    After reading the fact that red list has 132 species of plants, animals from India, all i can say is
    We are aware that all our planting operations are giving very poor results.I am suggesting government/forest department should outsource the plants.A very good amount should be offered to an established sapling.Even it may be Rs. 500 in case of endangered species.A sapling of 3 meter height and 15 centimeter girth at ground level can be considered as an established sapling and we can assume it is damage proof. We.We need limitless plants to double our greenery and hence we have to encourage everyone to outsource saplings everywhere thereby to arrest climate change.

  • #7211
    This forum is very informative. It is true that the bird species in the world are decreasing day by day. This is due to the changes in lifestyle of people. Human activities has caused great environmental changes which can harm the animal life. So its is the responsibility of the people to save such endangered bird species because any change in the food chain will seriously affect the other animals which depends on it.

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