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  • Category: General

    An experience of medical holiday

    More than one month back I had to undergo a surgery of prostate. Even earlier to that more than one month I was under treatment. With all these I got a long rest. Even now I am not fully active. I am using this time to read books, mainly biographies of great personalities.
    I had earlier translated a book "The Man who knew infinity" written by Robert Kanigel, an English Author into Malayalam. It is nothing but the Biography of the greatest Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who lived only 33 years but contributed to the science of Mathematics more than anybody else. His works are even now being studied by several new generation mathematicians.
    This experience attracted me to read biographies of great personalities.
  • #7506
    First of all wishing you a very healthy and joyous long life after "medical holiday"!
    I would like to mention here that the reading habit is the noblest of all hobbies. This habit makes us less alone to keep us company.

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