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  • Category: General

    Social networking- a boon or a bane

    Social networking a sibling of our beaming development, promises to bring people together through the use of internet. There are many pros and cons adhered to this wave of social networking. This has helped us to socialise, but is sitting infront of laptops and phones socialising, now a days social networking sites have become an inevitable part of our life. So i leave this to the members of SPK to proliferate the pros and cons of social networking sites.
  • #7737
    This topic has been discussed here many times but still my mind rushes up a bit to say few things about it. Social medias are indeed a boon for the new generation but many of them have misused it and tried to disturb other people's life. The only reason why each and everyone of us could keep in touch with our friends and relatives is through such medias. But there are many who uses this social medias to cause some mischief and girls are mainly targeted. So students especially girls should be given well awareness about it's boons and banes and thereby make the best use of such social medias. Thank you.

  • #7749
    Yes indeed a social awakening is required concerning the boons and bsaes of social networking

  • #7825
    Nowadays it is totally becoming bane. No one is using social media as a right way

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