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  • Category: Questions About Spider Kerala

    Feedback on Create Poll

    In Create Poll, what is to be done/.

    There are Option 1, Option 2 and Option-3.....

    In these options what are to be typed.

    Your immediatley feed back will be appreciated.
  • #1233
    Hai friend,

    When you create a poll it should be a question. That means in that poll there should be many possibile answers such as 'yes' or 'No' or 'Not sure' or 'Never'.

    For ex: Whether Oommen Chandi will become the next C.M. of Kerala?

    You should given options like Option 1)'yes' orOption 2) 'No' or Option 3)'Not sure' Option 4)or 'Never'.

    Then the readers can vote with their answer in your poll.

    More over there can be three or four options as different possible answers

    In another Ex: How much gold medels India will get in the next Asian Games?

    Then you must put options like Options 1)below 10 golds, Option 2)above 10 gold, Option 3) above 30golds, Option 4) 50 golds etc, as possible answers.

    Thanks &

  • #1247
    Kamalakshan good post and great question.

    You can ask any question and choose three types of answers. Like Yes, No and cant say. Members will read the poll and then reply as per their choice. It all depends on the author how he will handle the question and answers to it.

    K Mohan

    Every drop of water counts... And every word posted here also counts.....

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