Rhuematoid arthritis

Rhuematoid arthritis is a incurable disease since it is classified as autoimmune disease. In auto immune disease the body's immunity misinterprets body tissues as enemy cells as if a bacterial attack and produce antibodies to destroy them. As a result the soft grease like substance at the finger joints will be destroyed and the patient develop joint pain and swelling resulting in crippling.So far there is no cure. only immunity suppressants like methasones are given. This is a life threatening disease as it attacks heart, brain,liver and kidneys as it progresses,so is called multisystem disease. In ayurvedic treatment the severity of the attack can be minimised and body functions restored although not a cure. Last 50 years scientists have been working on it in all parts of the world until finally Smith KlineFrench and Abbott laboratories developed a new drug called OTELIXIZUMAB which reverses the attack back to normal meaning, a cure. 2.5 lakh patients in kerala undergo treatment for this with 20000 addition every year.medicine is only available in UK pharmacies and will only be sold against a prescription by a UK REGISTERED DOCTOR who can be identified. Rhuematologists and physicians are yet to be introduced by this medicine. prescribed for RHUEMATOID ARTHRITIS,SLE,Systemic VASCULITIS,

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