Epic Browser: Modified Mozilla

Epic which was released by Hidden Reflex is now on the trends of browsing netizens across the India. Epic browser is made for and by then to the Indian browsing Surfers

Hidden Reflex which released the first indian theme based Browser Named Epic, with the partnership with mozilla corporation ,the browser Epic is Added with ESET and WOT which put the Epic Browser in it's advanced Antivirus support for the users.

Epic browser is equipped with NOD32, which is a Antivirus program, through Epic users can browse the files and folders in the system as well downloaded files from the internet through Epic.

With Side bar gadgets in Epic, which makes the browsers to search for th videos in youtube, compose and send mails through g-mail, more to that users can add and edit the memos also inside the epic browser.

With Built in Antivirus and Tweakes for speed and enabled for faster downloads and uploads, Epic is Changing the face of the browsers.

Epic- Truley a Face of indian style browsing.

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