Placement Papers

Placement Paper - Accenture at Pune



1ST SECTION : (english)

Q1-Q3--> preposions:- type:
He was charged ....... murder of mr. ram. (with,for,of,none)
Q4-Q6---> articles:- type:
.....erred light gives me.... creeps. (an,no article), (the,a) ,(an,the)
Q7-Q10 ---> synonym: type:
He has VIVID memories of his college life. bright ,clear, dull
A paragraph on HUMAN COMPUTER interface was given. Qs were asked frm dat only.. 1st read the Qs then paragraph.
Q16-Q20 Another paragraph was given & Qs were asked frm dat only but dere were no direct Ans.. instead u've 2 find dem.

SECTION 2:(maths) (Q21-Q30)

Q.21 If 3 chocolates, 2 cake & 1 icecream costs $24. and 7 chocolates 4 cakes & 2 ice cream costs $64. wat is d cost of 1 chocolate
a.16 b.14 c.8 d.24
soln: 2nd data is juss double except 1 choclate extra.. so result is 64 - (24*2) = 16
Q22. ratio of girls is to boys in a class 4:5 . dere r total 4100 books each girl gets 100 books extra, now find how many books each girl gets.
a.300 b.700 c. 400 d. none
Q23 present population of a town is 60000 it grows at a rate of 6% evry year. at d end of 2nd yr 4500 leaves d town . find the population after 3rd yr.

SECTION 3: (reasoning): Q31-40

i've left dese 10 qs for last.. dese included reasoning...
Q40-Q50:(very simple)
1 if 1st $ 3rd r similar
2 if 2nd & 3rd r similar
3 if 1st & 4th r similar
4 in all othr options

Q1. kkkjjhydd 2. kkkjhhydd 3. kkkjjhydd
Q1. 5.023375 2. 5.032275 3. 5.023335
Q if * means -. + means * , - means / , / means + find the value of 7+8*3/5-3
Q51-Q55: a person can be left by police if he has
1. driving licence
2.age is more than 21 yrs on 1st july 2007
3. he owns a car

He is reffered 2 RTO if he satisfies only 1st condition
He is fined 100 if he satisfies 2nd condition.
in all other cases he is been prosecuted.

Q Mohan has a driving licence, he has a black safari...
1.he is left 2.he is reffered t RTO 3.he is fined 100 4.Data inadequate.
ans 4

GROUP DISCUSSION: Some of GD topics were as follows:

1.Impact of American elections on India
2.Single-party multiple party system
3.Media crossing limits
4.Alcohol or cigarette-which would u prefer?
5.Domestic companies and multi-national companies
9.Sex education
10.Education system of India
11. Impact of IT on India
12.Casteless society-possibility or myth?
13.Status of women in India

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