Brown gas generator using water as fuel and increase your vehicle mileage

Use Water as Fuel for the Car.

Hho technology is not anything new, but recently it has been tested in automobiles and found to provide extra power and mileage.

The mileage generally is between 15 to 35%. environment friendly as the hho exhaust is simply steam, Using water in a sealed container and applying low voltage electricity through electrodes , water liberates in to hydrogen and oxygen this is diverted to the air filter intake.

Hydroxy gas burns the unused fuel and make sure of the complete usage of it works,a friend of mine in his santro got 37% increase,this works on any internal cumbustion engine irrespective of diesel or petrol or kerosene.

current price in the market is can save millions of liters of fuel and save national income. it is estimated that atleast 10% of fuel is unspent in any engine as unburnt.

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