Restore your dead car battery

Now you can restore your totally dead car battery back to new. Lead acid battery dies when the zinc plates inside the cells get covered by fish scale like crystals of lead sulphide as a result of reaction between sulphuric acid and lead.A chelation therapy can restore the battery back to new.A chemical called EDT disodium is mixed with water and each cell is filled with this chemical liquid after thoroughly washing the cells.Keep it undisturbed overnight. Drain the next morning, wash the cells with running water, drain, fill acid and charge. This battery will last as long as a new battery would last.Ease your bang contain this chemical. give a try.
note: You may experiment on your risk and responsiblity. The author is not responsible for results whatsoever.

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Author: urmilesh kumar07 Sep 2010 Member Level: Gold   Points : 0

This really works, i have tried it

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