Christmas in Kerala

Through out the World, Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Saviour Jesus Christ. Universal love is exemplified in the festival.Mingled with the spirit and culture of Kerala, it is celebrated denoting unconditional love, brotherhood and compassion amongst all secural Keralites.

Christmas is celebrated through out the World. In Kerala, it is celebrated with pomp and pomposity and the message of unconditional love, brotherhood and compassion is spread all over. Customs and ceremonies are innumerable while celebrating Christmas. It is no longer the festival of Foreigners though the Christianity was brought to India by St Thomas and the Christian missionaries. Father Christmas or Santa Claus is the main attraction for children. Christmas Tree, Christmas Star, creamy Cakes, gifts in colour papers are part and parcel of the Christmas customs. The birth of Jesus is acted through small models of Baby Jesus or the small babe of Bethlehem in cathedrals as a part of Festival in Kerala. Christmas Carol and songs of Birth of Jesus is sung in such places of worship. These are accompanied by Holy masses in Churches in the midnight. The priest brings out an image of Baby Jesus amidst lighted candles handled by children. This image is laid in a Crib decorated for the purpose. This crib represents the Stable of Bethlehem. The Holy Birth is thus celebrated with gaity under the ambience of blitheness and jollity. The Christmas Tree is, of late, added to the festival in Kerala. It is now a traditional festival in Kerala.

On the eve of the Christmas in Kerala approaching fast, I have located a URL which is special in its full term. No where else, one can find in an earlier occasion, that the full Bible can be viewed in a single page. 1189 Chapters in 66 books are accessed here. That too, with a holy way to each step of emergency situation. Even an atheist, who is a p c savvy, will definitely fall prey to this and become a true believer in God. A new International Version of Bible is attached for the sake of our valuable customers and vociferous readers.



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