How to intercept your Mobile Phones-Mobile bugs-Roving Bugs-Mobile Tracking

Fast growth of the technology was threat to the national security as well, the bad guy were far ahead of the security agencies stated to misuse the technology,

How to intercept your Mobile Phones-Mobile Phone Hacking-Mobile bugs-Roving Bugs-Mobile Tracking

You are Under SurveillanceYou are Under SurveillanceYou are Under Surveillance

A brief History of Mobile Phones

The introduction of Cell phones or Mobile phones set the beginning of a new communication era around the world, the first mobile phone was introduced in early 1950's however it was in 1973 April 3, martin cooper a Motorola research and Executive made the first call using analogue mobile phones, now termed as zero Generation Phones

In 1979 the Japanese company launched the first commercially automated cellular network, what we call today As 1G, it was the ability of the phone to transfer call from one site to next as the user travel during conversation and the multiple cell sites differed it from the Zero Generation phones
By the year the cell phone technology developed, more features were added to the 1G phone, first major change was the introduction of the SMS service, 2.5G phones enabled internet data browsing for the users, It was only the rich who could use the mobile phones up the late 90's by 2000 the mobile phones reached the hand of Common man, by 2010 the mobile phone technology has reached to the Thirds generation phones (3G) and the technology IS heading toward the more sophisticated Fourth Generation Phones(4G)

Security Threat due to Mobile Phones

Fast growth of the technology was threat to the national security as well, the bad guy were far ahead of the security agencies stated to misuse the technology, in every sense the advancement of technology created a sense fear in the authorities. In time when only the land lines were available police and authorities could intercept the telephonic conversation of the suspected, but when it came to mobile phones it was difficult task for the agencies, there are no of service providers in the country the amount of task was double then

It was not possible for the agencies to tap the phone conversation of the suspected numbers, by the 1990's when the mobile phones were first introduced in India. Bu today every service provider a mediating station between the Law Agencies like IB.CBI, DRI, ED etc... This server is called Mediating Server to intercept the mobile phone calls of the suspected. There are two kind of two kind of interception facilities available one is "integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) " and the second one is Leased Lines

What is ISDN?

You are Under Surveillance

ISDN or Integrated Service Digital Network is a standard for the transmission of digital data over normal telephone copper cable or over other medium, it is actually used in place of telephone modem, modem gives a data transfer speed of 56kb/s but ISND Provides a data transfer rate of 128kb/s. The communication though ISND requires transmission and receiver adapters, There are Two levels of this Service for small users it is Basic Rate Interface (BRI)For larger user level it is Primary Rate Interface(PRI)

In this Type of interception technique, the median server intercepts the call from the suspected numbers and it is transmitted thorough A Primary Rate Interface (PRI) to the agency which is monitoring the telephonic conversation. This conversations can be recorded in computers or can be Listen to, but the problem with the ISDN is that the slow data transmission rate, the max speed is 128kb/s but in real practice it comes down to half of that, this result in the time lag of 2 to 3 minutes, since it is serial synchronous data transmission, depending on the time slot there is a higher chance of Data losing in the process of transmission, this recording doesn't happen in real time as well. This major Disadvantage of this ISND, MADE authorities to think about an alternative, an alternative to ISDN is the Use of Leased Line Facility

What is Leaded Line Facility?

In ISDN it was the data that was transmitted from the mediating sever by the service providers were reaching the Authority, but with the Leased line facility Authorities are able to directly access to their back bone network, the channel of communication is Fast speed fibre optic cables. The use of fibre optical cables improves the speed of communication, the data transfer rate of about the range of 2MBps, this enables the calls being intercepted in real time at a brisk pace and no data is lost due to traffic. Since the optical cables re costly govt is yet to introduce this in many parts of the country

There are Methods by which the mobile conversation can be intercepted even without the knowledge of the service providers; the system can monitor number of mobile phones simultaneously, it is impossible to detect the presence of such a device with current technologies. The system consist of a laptop with certain software installed in it and a directional antenna and a receiver

There are many range of monitoring systems available

  • Active monitoring System
  • Passive monitoring system
  • Semi active monitoring system
  • GSM Monitoring system with online decoding
  • Off the air GSM monitoring system

You are Under Surveillance

It is lawful for govt agencies to intercept the telephone calls, above mentioned methods can be employed for interception of the mobile phones. Off the air GSM Monitoring system is used to intercept and monitor voice and it can monitor text messages as well, Semi active GSM monitoring system is used disaster management it can detect the presence of active GSM or CDMA phones in the vicinity of the equipment, off the air passive monitoring system can intercept the cellular network without interference to the cellular network in real time, authorities can make use of this technology from various mobile frequencies. There are many firms offering the required software installed surveillance equipment, it is even accessible to common man.

How can your Mobile Phones be intercepted- Bug implanting

Your Cell phone is double agent; it may relay every word you speak, to the authorities without the knowledge of you and even without the knowledge of your service provider. For Authorities it is lawful to intercept the mobile calls but illegal agencies will use this for intercepting calls in real time and tap your mobile phones

Illegal agencies do this by plating a software alteration in your mobile phones; this can be done by just my making fake call to your mobile phones it is termed as "Pinging". This fake call or pinging enables the agencies to access your phones Unique IMEI Number, with this agencies can decrypt all the communication and text messages that are received and transmitted from your phone the can even access the data(contacts, videos) that is stored in your Mobile phones which have nothing to do with the service provider.

Currently it is possible to rack the mobile phones with IMEI number, next stage of this is planting software called "Roving Bug" in to your mobile phones, and it turns your mobile phones in to a bugging device. This software enables the agencies to switch on the micro phones of your cell and transmit the conversation happening in the vicinity of your phone more than that this software can be used to activate your phones microphones even when your cell is switched off, the only way to get away from this is to pull out the battery.

The only phone in the market which cannot be detected using this technology is the Black berry phones, with the IMEI number of Black Berry phones it is only possible to locate the phone but it is not possible to intercept the conversation and text messages, there was a talk going on this with the govt of India and the black berry official on this matter, got asked the black berry official to plant the bug in to the handset or in the BES server.

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