How to get good traffic for your articles in SpiderKerala-Part 1-Introduction

Search Engines are a powerful tool which helps internet surfers to gather information related to their interest. In this section I am introducing the members to search engines.

Search engines as the name suggests are the tools used by internet surfers to reach for contents which they need. Even though there are a handful of search engines, normally internet users go for a limited choice. They may stick on google or yahoo for getting the information we need. Have you ever thought of a day searching sites without the help of search engines? May be you can search with only one option left before you. You have to type the correct URL of the website. The problem occurs when you need information related to the contents that you search.

Search Engines are a gift for internet browsers. The role played by search engines is of great help for listing the appropriate article or news which a person is interested to read. But the problem with search engines is that they list the appropriate pages in different order. We may not find the top search article listed in Google to be in the top in the search engine Yahoo.

When a person types a word in search engine, what the search engine do is that it will find web pages which contain the related word. The search engine brings web pages which are more accurate with the keyword that the desired person had given in search. Many a times, the person has to search for different links when the top pages will not satisfy his interest. Any way search engines bring a list of related web pages which can to some extent satisfy the need of each and every internet users.

So we can conclude that search engines help us to find good articles which we are really interested to read.

But our area of discussion is about search engine optimization which could make your articles on the top pages of search engines. Ok I am just coming to that point.

You may be really worried by the current status of your article. It may be very low in search engine ranking. May be you might not find any of your articles in the top 3 pages of search engines. Let me tell you a secret. Normally internet surfers look only for the top 3 pages in search engines. In short if your page in not ranked in the top 3 page, no guarantee for a good traffic. Even there are chances for surfers to miss valuable articles which might be ranked in the following pages. They might spend time for reading unrelated articles. It's a real waste of time.

Internet users go for pages which are in the top page. i.e a lot of chance for reading articles only in the first page of search engine ranking. Rare chances are there for some kind hearted reader to search for an additional rank page. But more chances, I mean the most and only chance for the readers to read posts in the top 5. But if your articles are not in the top 5, even your dream would not come true. But imagine, some of your articles are ranked in the top page of search engine ranking.

O my God, it would be really wonderful. More traffic, more earning through google adsense.

By now, a question has passed through your mind.

"Yes Biju, you have come to the right point. I want to see my articles on the top page, to move little bit forward-in the top 1 position. Will it be able for me to see my articles in the top pages of search engine? Can it be successful for me?".

And the answer is YES. 100% yes.

Do you know the key word which the website builders, bloggers and content writers are keenly working to get to the top pages of search engines? Yes, exactly, the word, Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As many of them give concentration to this key word it would be really struggling to get their contents in the top pages of search engines. Actually the way to get to the top pages of search engine is like a tug of war. Yes really a tug of war. So the word Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is our part of concern. Now I am taking the responsibility to make you see that your content pages are getting REAL TRAFFIC. So let up start the business.

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Author: Nitha T Paul15 Jun 2012 Member Level: Silver   Points : 0


Please continue writing on the SEO topic so that we can earn good traffic to our article

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