Great indian poet


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Tagore's literary work is characterised by immence variety and abundance. In the course of his long period of active production covering over sixty years, he published 300 volume of poetry, short stories, novels, dramas, discourse on history, politics, religious, philosophy etc. However Tagore was mainly a poet. His dramas are symbolic poetic plays, his novels and short stories are poetic even his other works remarkable for their passages of impassioned poetic prose.

Tagore was significantly original in his themes, in thought and expression. Few have surpassed him in the fecundity of imagination in glorifying common things of nature such as an ailing boy in the post office. All his poems are imbued with a rare love of Nature , humanity and motherland. In his odd songs he wrote on God, devotion, love, beauty, truth,humanity social evils, spiritualism etc.

His romanticism and mysticism well up when he views the wonderful universe directed by an intelligent power, of oneness in diversity, of the one changeless in the midst of change . The entire universe is to him that Supreme Powers Play(Leela).

Like Wordsworth, Tagore passionately loved Nature and his description of each and every item is entrancing like that of Shelley. And the colours, sounds and scents almost intoxicated him with inumerable joy. Gitanjali that brought him worlds recognition extols the triumph of love in ennobling it to spiritual heights as depicted in "Radha and Krishna". "The Gardner" is rich in such selfless love that exalts man to delicious divine heights.

Tagore's humanism is only ane aspect of his all embracing love. His heart, like that of Keats, bled for the sufferings of the lowly and the downtrodden. Through his poetry he urged the mankind to love every creature because God resided in every thing.

Tagore's genius is best seen in his lyrics. It was for "The Gitanjali" englished in 1912, that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature and it is on his collection of a hundred odd lyrics that his reputation as a world poet chiefly rests.

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Author: Gopal Singh Rawat25 Mar 2011 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

India is great country. So the poet of India is so much great.

Tagore's contribution in Indian History is so much. I am very thankful to you for telling us about Tagore. There were so many great person as Tagore in India Like Surdas , Kabir .


Gopal Singh Rawat

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