10 Best Aquarium Tips:Bring a second life to your Aquarium

In this article,find 10 best aquarium tips to make you aquarium look clean and fresh.

How to keep your aquarium fresh and live.It is believed that open eyes will attract positive energy. If this statement is correct then an aquarium could attract positive energy to the house as fish eyes are always used to be open and positive energy will always attracted to the home which could bring prosperity.
Well maintained glass aquariums in your drawing room will always be a treat to you and your visitors. At the same time if it is not maintained properly, it not only gives out a fowl smell but you may feel like to throw it out.
So, what is well maintained aquarium?
Here are some steps to keep your aquarium fresh and live.
1. Dust should not be permitted to get deposited on the glass tank.
2. The tank should not be leaking. Otherwise the spoon full water at the base could be the breeding space for mosquitoes.
3. At least once in a week, the glass surface should be wiped using sponge. 50% of water siphoned out and fresh water added.
4. While siphoning the water, make sure that left over food and fish waste also removed.
5. Good aerator will maintain the oxygen density in water. If it is a filtering aerator, the bottom portion of it, where the dust particle accumulates and stores should also be opened and the sponge inside must be cleaned at regular intervals.
6. If you do not keep air pump, then sufficient water plants should be there and the plants will help in reducing carbon dioxide as the plants will give out sufficient quantity of oxygen to the water.
7. Make sure the plants are in good shape having green leaves. Old and decayed leaves must be removed. The decaying leaves and decaying left over food will increase nitrogen content in water.
8. Always give only sufficient food at regular time. The quantity of food should be that, which will be completely consumed in about half an hour. Over feeding can be dangerous to fish. When thinking about food; the food required for an adult fish can easily be collected from a pet shop. But the food required for fry (baby fish) has to be prepared by you at home, as the fish food available at pet shop is not suitable for fry. Their mouth is too small and they may not be able to eat even the smallest particle of the food available at store. That is why we have to prepare it our self.
9. Watch your friends regularly. If they all are comfortable, moving around, taking food and chasing each other. Ok watch and enjoy.
10. Inconvenience the fish exhibits like; fast movement of gills, trying to be on surface of water, trying to jump out of water, any abnormal coloration on body, unable to balance body, trying to be alone in a corner etc, should be taken care of. These symptoms can only be recognized by close and regular watching of your fish.

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