Onam Special Banana Payasam Recipe - Ingredients, preparation guide, health benefits

Each festival celebrated by a people is with some special things like that Malayalis celebrate Onam with different delicious recipes. In that one among the recipe is Banana Payasam. The ingredients needed for preparation and method of preparation are described below in detail.

People are working daily with high pressure and tension for earning. To provide a value for that earning they are celebrating a festival at least once in a year with great joy and happiness. To indicate that eve, they prepare special varieties of recipes. Malayalis celebrate their Onam in the month of Chingam according to their calendar. Ingredients used for preparation and their usefulness are described below. Take a glance and enjoy the Banana Payasam.

Ingredients of Banana Payasam preparation

Banana Payasam Recipe
Banana, ghee, sugar, kismis, milk, cardamom, jaggery (sweet jaggery), saffron and cashew nuts these are main ingredients needed for their preparation.

Preparation steps on Banana Payasam

Smash the banana needed. Boil the pan with milk under low stream and add the jaggery into the milk stir the mixture well. Then add the saffron power into milk to give a color. Cashew nut, kismis and cardamom are added to the milk mixture to give a pleasant smell. Allow it for a sticky condition and remove the pan from the stream.

Health benefits of Banana Payasam

Banana payasam mixed with following ingredients Banana, ghee, sugar, kismis, milk, cardamom, jaggery (sweet jaggery), saffron and cashew nuts, let us find here each items health benefits.

Banana is perennial crop cultivated in all tropical regions. It is called Musa. Banana not only used for a food purpose, it also provide medicine, clothing, tools, shelter, furniture, paper and handicrafts. It is termed as first fruit crop. It is mainly rich with potassium. Vitamins available in banana are vitamin c, B6, minerals and dietary fiber. There are varieties of banana under cultivation. Among them Nandrabalam is a famous variety in Kerala. It is used for making varieties of chips and sweets.

Jaggery is a one of the sweet ingredient which can produced from Sugar Cane and also it can produced by date palms. It can mixed with sap of coconut and sago palms and will produced as a Jaggery. The Jaggery is mostly used as a Ayurvedic medicine and will used for make a tablet to cure pain in our body.

Milk is a natural supplement from animal rich with all nutrients. Cheese and Butter are the main products of milk. It includes hundreds of benefits to our bodies, health and mind. A Cashew nut is very rich supplements of nutrients and also reduces the vitamins deficiency. It was mainly cultivated in Brazil. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and health promoting chemicals. Cashew nut is rich in fatty acids over consumption leads to heart diseases. It cost is high when compared to other ingredients.

Ghee is mostly produced from cow milk. Ghee is mainly used as medicine in throat pain and some other body pain. It will act as good medicine in medical fields. Ghee is mostly used to prepare sweet type of recipe. Kismis is called as dried grapes which can act a medicine in medical field. For example it will clean and make a pure blood in our human body. It will make complete refresh in our body.

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