V.s. achuthanandan – "the prophet of anti-corruption"
Our octogenarian Chief Minister, Shri. V. S. Achuthanandan is well known for his fights against corruption. Even opposition party members have appreciated his stand against corruption. Hats off to his commitment to the state and public.The new story about his commitment to the state is related to the allotment of land to an ex-serviceman. 2.33 acres of land is allotted to Mr. Soman, who is one of the close relative of V. S. Achuthanandan, at Kasargod District. The Land Revenue Commissioner and Kasargod District Collecter were opposed the allotment of land to Soman, because he was not eligible. But the office of the Chief Minister forced and instructed to allot the land. At last it was allotted to Soman in 2010 with the condition that the land could not be sold for 25 years. But later this condition was removed from the allotment agreement based on the instructions from the office of Chief Minister.
A few months before there was an allegation raised against his son also. If these two incidents were read together, what do you feel? Our Chief Minister is the Prophet of Anti-corruption. Isn't it?