Forest Pilgrim center's income to be shared for Locals Benefit
There is a proposal to share a percentage of the income from the pilgrim and tourist centers in the forest area. The proposed percentage is at present 5. The ceding of the income is for development of the local area of the forests concerned.The proposal is a good idea. The tourists and the pilgrims will be disturbing the routine and life style of the locals of the area. The visitors will be dirtying the area. Therefore it is necessary to clear the nuisances. So the local panchayath's should be financed additionally for this purposes.
It is quite possible that in centers, the tourists and pilgrim visitors may be spending some amount for their requirements in the local area for the facilities availed by them. However, this may be beneficial only to those individuals or families who receive this for their services.
Hence for the improvement of the area a portion of the income from the centers should be given to the panchayaths for the specific purpose of improvements of the infrastructure of the area. I feel that the percentage proposed is meager and at least it should be made at 10% to start with to be raised later on the basis of experiences.