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  • Category: General

    A new authority on Vembanad Lake

    Vembanad Lake is one of the largest lakes in the country and has been recognised as one to be conserved under the Ramsar agreement. This lake has reduced its size and has almost become just one third of its original size. ernakulam, Alappuzha and Kottayam are the major districts which are benefited by this lake.

    Kerala Government have decided to establish the Vembanad Eco-development Authority with a view to restore and regenerate the lake. It is lake with very rich biodiversity. There are around 250 fish species in this lake. It helps multiplying the shrimp population of Kerala coast.

    The socio-economic contribution of the lake to the society cannot be quantified. Hence the protection of this lake must get priority and any step towards this direction need to be congratulated.
  • #4187
    In my opinion, the first step towards safeguarding the lake should be prevention of encroachment of the banks by the resorts. In the recent past the number of resorts has increased. As the number of resorts increases, the width of the lake reduces.

    Second thing is the pollution. Lakes and canals are becoming the dumping yard of plastic waste materials.

    Let us hope Vembanad Eco-development Authority will be able to bring back the lost grandeur of vembanad lake.



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