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  • Category: General

    We should rethink abut Our Nuclear Policy

    At the fag end of the term of the UPA -1 the issue of Nuclear for power was a prestigious issue between the ruling UPA and the opposition parties. Even the UPA supporters leftists took a strong position against the nuclear power projects which led to their going away from UPA as an alley to that of a bitter enemy. The country saw the bitter exchanges between those for and against nuclear power projects.

    Those in favor of the nuclear power project won the debate or decision of the country. But for our country is it the correct decision? The nuclear power projects require huge investments. We do not have the infrastructure to deal with the waste which is very hazardous. We do not have the safety standards of the world which is anther danger. The history of our handling the victims of tragedies are callous, casual and hippocratic.

    We have plenty of natural resources like the wind power and solar energy to be tapped. These are Eco friendly and cost effective. If we install the wind mills in the hilly barren areas and tap the solar energy in a large scale we can meet a major part of our requirements. In addition to that we can tap the underutilized water resources, Thermal power facility etc by which we can be self sufficient without much risk or hazards to the lives of the people. a
  • #4349
    You are right. We should have a rethinking about our nuclear policy. Nuclear plants are always threatening the life of thousands.From the experiences of countries like Russia, America, Japan etc. it is clear there will be a threat if a nuclear plant is constructed. Indian conditions are more fragile too.
    However, the pact with US may force our Govt. to go ahead with the nuclear plants.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #4353
    Hello Ramanathan A R Sir,
    I am fully satisfied with Ramanathan A R Sir. It is very important regarding our security. We all should think on current nuclear policy. We can get many benefits with this nuclear energy but sometime it can be go in destructive way for us.
    With Regards,
    -Gopal Singh

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