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  • Category: General

    Screening of new born babies to be initiated in Kerala for the diagnosis of disorders.

    Infant deaths have always melted hearts all around the world. Kerala comes in today with a solution to check the infant death rates by screening babies affected by genetic problems or deficiencies at birth. Plans for screening babies with 4 possible disorders or deficiencies will be implemented without any delay probably by November that will run tests in babies to find 4 metabolic disorders that if detected early can be treated effectively .

    Screening of babies with cogenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, cogenital adrenal hyperplasia and glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency will be done so as to obviate the reprise of irreversible consequences in children if undetected and untreated.These conditions that in long terms undetected have been causing irreversible brain damage , mental retardation, autism or epilepsy, abnormal growth conditions, anemia etc will now pose minimal threat to babies after the implementation of the program.

    A few drops of blood taken from the baby after birth will be dried and stored to be send for testing using the Elisa method. The results will be mailed to the hospitals for medical support if any of the ibid cases are diagnosed. Even though this screening process and its follow ups will bring a huge load of economic responsibility for the State, long term investments are being made to ensure the proper functioning of the screening. This ensures further more health development among the infants. Let this endeavor rise up in good terms to safeguard every baby's innocent smiles.
  • #6061
    It is a nice effort taken from the part of our health department. If this endeavor can save the life of children, then many parents will be saved from life long sadness. We will hope for the best.

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