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  • Category: General

    Price hike affects life of Kerala

    Price hike have recently send up the alarms that Kerala is going to live a tough life from now on and today's increment of charges on cooking gas leaves it pinned on the spot. LPG gas supply was inhibited for the past few months due to oppositions of load bearing lorries and now it has come with a blast of quick shoot up on its price. The average rate have passed past 1600 for a cylinder and is expected go up again. The devilment comes in when we remember the fact that the distribution of cylinders under the subsidee rate have recently been limited to 6 per year and now the tragedy strikes in when the price shoots up too high. Looks like we have to go back to our conventional ways of using the chulhas.

    Just like hartals that came in once every month , Kerala is now becoming a land of price hike every month.Happy Price Hike Kerala!
  • #6110
    Price hike not only in the fuel but in almost all commodities without which we cannot pull on a day has become a phenomenon in these days. Kerala is definitely hit by this because we have 'decided' no to produce anything here, but to bring everything from outside. Cooking gas, petrol, diesel, milk, water, electricity, vegetables, provisions, labour charges, bus fare and what not, the price graph of all these are showing upward trend continuously.

    If anything which has lost its value in these days it is 'human values'.
    Of course, the life of every individual has also become cheap. Any time anything can happen. How many are dying when they go for a morning walk through a road! Children going to schools die due to accidents, those who are admitted in hospitals loose their life because of carelessness of the doctors or other staff, etc are always reported. In the name of theft also people are killed. Political violence also lead to deaths. So human life has no value in this State otherwise known as 'God's own country'.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6115
    Yes, the expected bus fare rise has been announced by the Ministry. Even after implementing power cut for one hour a day they say there is no much reduction in the consumption of power. The reason worked out by them is the higher use of induction cookers. Because of the high price rise of cooking gas, it is only natural that people have changed over to induction cookers.

    Milk price will soon be raised as per the decision of the authorities. Let us be ready to hear more price rises. Of course Petrol and diesel price raises have also have come.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6116
    Recently there has been a hope for good news as the government have already started to think of the commoners as well. Hints fall in about the possibilities of raise in cooking gas cylinders in subsidy rates for the APL families bring in a sigh of relief. But just hope that it comes into practice rather than thoughts. It is a pathetic condition that we face today. Everything including food and fodder come in high rates and all we get in hand after each month is way less than the required amount. It is shocking that no one bothers to increase nothing else other than the cost of products and not anyone's salary. The increment in the current charges as well as various other necessary commodities drives one's life into crazy run to find in a substitute. Looks like Kerala have just emerged from a cocoon into a running race track. Best Wishes Kerala. No other place in the whole wide world would be struggling even when they have everything at hand and all are kept away just because they are too costly than it have to be.

  • #6135
    Yes the awaited price hike for milk is also announced and will become effective from this Sunday. Both the Central and State Governments are competing each other to increase prices of consumer commodities.

    This definitely shows that these Governments are incapable of administration. The ministers and officers spend the revenue income for their luxurious life and unwanted tours. They are not affected by the price hike of most of the items. It is the common man who are affected by it.

    Gold Member, SPK

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