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  • Category: General

    Government to undertake the pumping expenses of the farmers.

    So far many projects have arose for the welfare of farmers. Another project to be issued by the government to undertake all the pumping expenses in the farmland. Connected with the inauguration of the Kuttanad Rice park. The decision was confirmed by the revenue Minister K.M.Maani that all the expenses of pumping in farmlands would be undertaken by the Government thus reducing the farming expenses drastically.In a sector facing grave danger Government was already on the move to introducing new schemes to keep alive the agricultural practices of Kerala. This decision of undertaking the pumping expenses falls as a sigh of relief for the farmers encouraging more involvement in the field.
  • #6131
    Undertaking the pumping expenses of the farmers by government is a nice move from the part of our government and it will also be a relief to the poor farmers. Earlier Kerala was known for the products it cultivates, but now hardly anywhere we can see farmers and cultivations. This situation has to change or else we will keep on depending our neighboring states for our basic needs. What if they stop supplying to us? We will be in complete darkness. Poverty makes man blind. Therefore, such initiatives and support from the part of our government will help in retaining some farm land in our state and more farmers will engage in cultivation.

  • #6150
    On one side the Govt. says something like this, but the same Govt. takes steps to fill the paddy fields for converting the same for other purposes ! What a paradox ?
    Gold Member, SPK

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