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    How many gas cylinders does your family need a year?

    This is a follow up thread to the forum thread:

    Why six gas cylinders with subsidy ?

    Posted Date: 20 Oct 2012 Posted By:: T.M.Sankaran Sir

    explaining on the usage of gas cylinders per year . But as to a common notion the data provided by the companies are just strategies to manipulate people into thinking contrary to their own arguments for more cylinders on subsidy rate. Because the lesser the cylinders they have to give on subsidy rate the more profit they make each year.Please cast in your votes to prove that we really do need an increment in the number of cylinders on subsidy rate to at least 9 per year.This poll vote will not change anything for sure but this vote is to make ourselves sure about what is right and how much is right for us.
  • #6186
    Please see my answer to your comments on my earlier posting on the same topic.
    From my experience I need 9 cylinders per year. In country side there will be an alternate cooking options such as firewood, charcoal, kerosene, etc. So they will not depend fully on LPG. (In my parental home in Palakkad district of Kerala, we have LPG connection. At the same time we have smokeless choolahs (aduppu) and Bio gas connection. Naturally the fuel consumption will be shared by all these. Hence LPG cylinder number per year gets reduced).

    Firewood is very much used in almost all houses, except in flats and modern houses even in cities. If one has a smokeless choolah, it can be used as a substitute.The advantage of this choolah is that only very few pieces of firewood is required. If one has two or three coconut trees in his house the waste from them can be well used to burn the chhlah.
    So if the companies samples are from such houses definitely the answer could be biased.

    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6187

    I live in a village. Very far from what you call city life. I have also lived in Eranakulam in the busiest parts of the city. When we were in the city we needed up to 12 cylinders a year and trust me with the fact. But of course when we moved into village we use the chulha as an alternative and yes the number of cylinder have reduced but it still doesn't go below 9. In families with more members we see that such numbers is inevitable how much ever we utilize other energy alternatives as they are not as effective as LPG or electricity.

  • #6212
    I think the number of cylinders a family need depends on several factors including the place they live, income level, number of members in the family etc. A person living in rural area may use gas cylinders below 7 , but when we consider the case of urban areas ,where people live together in groups ,they need more than 10 I believe that for a medium family, it needs 10 cylinders minimum.

  • #6265
    I am live in a village. There, we are mostly use 'adupu' by placing 3 bricks in triangle shape. And fire using wood pieces, cover of cocunut, cocunut leafes etc. I think we can use one gas cylinder up to 2 or more months. But in cities most of the families are depends hotels for eating. So 6 or 7 is enough in one year.

  • #6290
    Please don't be angry at me but I really want to call your attention at the point that you don't say "cover of coconut" , its either coconut shell or coconut crust you may also use the phrase coconut husk or even fiber I guess but not "cover".

  • #6299
    Sorry for my mistake. I am not looking for making any one angry or insult. Sorry for that.

  • #6304
    I was really worried about correcting that you know. People get really angry when they are corrected and since spk doesn't allow the use of smileys its really hard to convey our emotions.

  • #6419
    I think a family in village needs approximately 10 cylinders in a year as hardly anyone in village uses wood for cooking these days. In urban areas, people might need within 15 cylinders per year.

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