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  • Category: General

    Camphor to facilitate energy efficiency in Vehicles- Invention by a Malayali.

    Our energy crisis has lead us to think hard on the topic of conservation and reduced usage of energy sources like petroleum products and electricity.

    The rising price of petrol and diesel have adversely affected our monthly budget and transportation.It is at this state that K.C. Baiju , a sub-engineer from Cherthala, have invented a novel means to increase the energy efficiency in vehicles using camphor.

    The camphor that is filled into a specially designed small container is attracted to the air filter system in bikes. The camphor will give out the hydrogen when released into the air filter and is passed into the engine. This Hydrogen will hence increase the efficiency of the engine. The service manager of R.F.Motors ,Cochin have commented that such a case is possible when the camphor absorbs the water particles in the fuel . The water particles is the main reason the fuels combustion rate decreases.The device is named CAMB (Camphor Activated Mileage Booster). So far Baiju's experiment with the device have proved that the bikes and cars when used after integrating the CAMB to it increases the mileage of the vehicle up to 10-30% . A person who used to spend 1500/- for petrol now needed petrol only worth 350/- .

    Thew device now sent to the Automotive Research Authority of India for detailed study is now giving Baiju the hopes of patenting this brilliant invention. This will not only be a solution for the mileage of a vehicle but also will drastically affects the fuel consumption all around the world if the study proves it applicable. The device even though of such great use is but of an affordable price. The cost to such an instrument will only be below 200/-, a happy news for all.
  • #6221
    I have read the news about this use of camphor earlier, perhaps a couple of years back. It was again a news from Kerala, however, I don't recollect details.
    Gold Member, SPK

  • #6262
    It is a good news for all own vehicle users. I am more happy that the inventor of this technique is a malayali. Malayalies are every where in the world. After reading this thread I remember another news about a malayali recruited in Google for 70 lakh. It is a good news for malayalies.

  • #6415
    hi friend,

    it was amazing ,This technique of camphor use earlier, perhaps a couple of years back and it will come back again in. Camphor
    can be implemented in all vehicles because of there low cost and it is very easy to implement. By the help of this invention we can conserve and we can reduced usage of energy sources. Energy crisis is a big problem to our earth ,by this invention there is an amount of energy can be conserve. Thank you for the thread abut this brilliant invention

    sirash khan

  • #7807
    WAP this is a good news for Nigerians to cushion the hardships caused by fuel hike. This needs publicity.

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