Thrissur zoo's wait for the king over...
"JUNGLE KA RAJA "COME TO THRISSUR ZOO, THE WAIT IS OVERWith out a lion a forest may not complete, then how a Zoo become complete with out 'jungle ka Raja'. As far as Thrissur Zoo concern it does not have Lion for last six months. The last year July , zoo lost its lone Asiatic Lion which died after a heart disorder led to failure of other organs, was 22 years old at the time , well beyond the lifespan of lions in captivity, which is usually pegged at 16-20 rears. After that the visitors are missed the roars of lion badly. Finally the wait was over with the special interest taken by the Youth Affairs Minister P.K. Jayalakashmi.
The two year old Lion, Akash come to entertain the city of festivals. The new lion brought from Thiruvananthapuram has arrived at the Zoo on 7th January 2013. The lion seems to be little stressed due to long journey, but it was responding well to new surroundings. Now hopefully efforts are stared to bring its female partner here as well. Even if the facilities of Zoo still seems to be limited and the offer of starting a international Zoo at Thrissur still stand as offer, new King become attractive in the Zoo.