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  • Category: Events

    Food poisoning issue at capital city again Hotel banned.

    At our capital city one more food poisoning issue.what is it shows.It shows that someone ignores the law and order.Three were hospitalized.The incident happened in Kavadiyaar,trivandrum .A temporary license ban for the hotel.The owner of the hotel should pay rupees 50,000 as compensation to the victims.Food Inspector caught up many expired food items from this hotel and its branches here and there.

    Bipin Varghese
  • #6602
    There is no wonder that such issues occur frequently. Our Authorities are yet to act seriously and consistently. Once an issue occurs there will be a vigil for a few days, then it dies out. Hoteliers are always at getting maximum profit for their business, they are very often reluctant to implement the norms of safety in food items prepared by them.
    Very often previous days balance will be mixed with the new item and served, which very often lead to food poisoning.The action will be slow, but those who eat that particular item feels the punch.

    Unless regular monitoring is there by authorities this can never be curbed.

    Gold Member, SPK

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