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  • Category: General

    Diesel price hike hits Kerala

    Hike in the prices of diesel has hit Kerala in several ways. The major affected area is transport as can be expected. The reduction of regular services by KSRTC has definitely affected the bus passengers especially the commuters. Because of this, even the Chief minister has come forward asking the Central Government to withdraw the price hike.
  • #6571
    Diesel price hike affected mainly the transportation in kerala.Not the regular services the buses are doing.The govt should buy diesel from supplyco that is the only solution to it.Supplyco is ready to give fuel.Then why a delay taking by the govt.Food and civil services minister Anoop Jacob guaranteed that he can give fuel only if KSRTC pay him ready cash.

    Bipin Varghese

  • #6576
    Any kind of price hikes for any product will firstly affect the common people. As we know most of the common people are depending on public service vehicles like KSRTC, and Indian railways for transportation process. And this hike in diesel price mainly affect the service of both these sectors and railway alreads increased the charges. The KSRTC is no choise to increas the fares so they are cutting the schedules for reducing the loss. Because of the hike in diesel price their is a chance to increase the price of daily needed items like vegetable items, fruits etc.

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