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  • Category: Events

    Onam, the festival of Kerala is fast approaching.

    The month August is coming to an end. During next month, September, Onam days start by 14th. Thiruvonam is on 16th of Sept. Generally Onam days fall within the Malayalam month Chingamasam. But this year Thiruvonam is in Chingam but the next onam days fall in Kannimasam. However we celebrate Onam starting from Uthradam (first onam) and continue for four days.
    Let us welcome Onam with all its pomp and pleasure. Rain has almost stopped, hence we can expect somewhat a dry Onam days.
  • #6719
    Dear member, what is Onam festival? Please educate me because I want to learn more.
    Adesola Adeyeye

  • #6721
    Dear Mr.Adesola Adeyeye,
    Thank you very much for responding to my post.
    As requested by you I shall try to give a few lines about 'Onam'.
    Onam is a festival for Kerala people during the Malayalam month Chingam (almost distributed equally between August and September).It is a very old custom among Keralites to celebrate this festival. Even if one is poor, still he will celebrate it with selling his properties.
    Historically it is the reminiscences of the best rule of an earlier King called Mahabali. Mythological interpretation relates to one of the Incarnations (Vamana) of Lord Maha Vishnu.More acceptable interpretation is that this started with the celebration of agricultural production of the area, since it almost coincides with the rice crop taking period of Kerala.
    Perhaps you can refer to my earlier article posted in this site:

    Gold Member, SPK

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