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  • Category: General

    My Article has not approved.

    I posted two article regarding recepies. I am not understanding what they actualy required.It is the third time that made it into pending status. I have gone through the recepies of the other members. The recepies which has the same format has been approved.
    For my one recepies the reminder is such that remove the copied image .It is not a copied image. Myself taken the photo using my camera. Then how it become a copied image? I don't know what the editors are expecting.
  • #6806
    Sometime the photo may contain some clue that its the resource of third party. Its better to take a photo of the recipe prepared on your own or by uploading a image from search engine which has no 'water marks'.

  • #6808
    Actually This is the photo taken by me for my recepie in my home.
    With Best Regards,

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