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  • Category: Events

    Kerala Budget Expectation

    Kerala budget is going to present on 24 January discuss your expectation.
  • #6816
    If you have no objection, shall I correct your post as :"Kerala budget is going to be presented on 24th January. Discuss your expectations".

    Well, I do not have much expectation about the proposed budget.It will be routine exercise, perhaps with certain gimmicks suiting a pre-election situation. When the ordinary man is finding it difficult with the high rise in prices of commodities used by him daily for his simple existence, if the budget gives some solace then it will be a welcome step. But when the basic need of every family, that is the 'kitchen fire', has become so costly we cannot expect any peace in the society. The Centre as well as State has become just a silent witness while the market is controlled by others who are much above, beyond the reach of our Governments. so what is the use of a budget?

    Gold Member, SPK

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