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  • Category: General

    A day for the sparrows

    In Kerala every day used to start with hearing the chirps of little birds belonging to sparrows or similar category. But now a days the chirping is no more there, why? Their number is getting reduced.Or rather we, the human actions, are not allowing them to live here.
    These birds eat the small worms or similar things from the nature. Now we use pesticides and chemicals as part of agricultural activities which do not allow these worms to multiply.
    Trees are cut and the nesting places of these birds are missing.Very often in olden days these birds used to build their nests in corners of our houses,hanging pots and the like especially in tiled houses. Now the houses have become concrete structures leaving no space for nesting. All these are reducing the number of sparrows. Hence on March 20th World sparrow day is being celebrated as a step to conserve these small birds.
  • #7027
    Electromagnetic radiations (EMR) from mobile transmission towers are associated with the decline in the population of sparrows in London and other European countries.EMRs are interfering with the biological systems in many ways.
    India is one of the fastest growing telephone industries in the world. To support the telephone subscriber growth, there has been tremendous growth of infrastructure in the form of cell phone towers, In the absence of any policy on infrastructure development and location of telephone towers , large number of telephone towers are installed in a haphazard manner across the country. Prolonged use of EMRs adversely affects the flora and fauna.

  • #7028
    Mr.Neeraj, you are right. I actually forgot to add this issue of EMR from mobile towers in my posting. It is, no doubt, has become a major problem and it is adversely affecting the health of even human beings, leave alone the smaller animals.
    Gold Member, SPK

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