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    Is online shopping is better than direct shopping

    Online shopping is one in which we can purchase different products from our home itself even at the stroke of mid night. Online shopping incluides buying of clothes, shoes, books, gadgets, appliances and a lot more. Compared with direct shopping , online shopping has a lot of advantages. It saves a lot of money since it directly come from the manufacture to consumer with out any intermediates. More details of different varietis of products are available through online shopping. Also different brands of products are available. It saves a lot of time since there is no need to go to shop to buy the products. Besides advantages it also have some disadvantages. We can't know about the quality of the products and we don't get it in time. So what's your opinion about online shopping.
  • #7655
    I think online shopping is much more better than that of direct shopping. When we compare both we can see that the former has great advantages than that of the later. But i would suggest that we should only go for online shopping in some of the well known sites such as amazon and flipkart. Online shopping is timeless activity when compared to that of direct shopping. We can perform online shopping even we are in the middle of a work. It involves just searching and applying for a product. Also products that are not available at your localities can be brought down to your homes with the help of online shopping. Also we must remember in our mind to ensure safety things while doing online shopping. Or else others can track our passwords. If you are following these measures i will suggest online shopping over that of direct shopping.

    Thank you.

  • #7693
    In my opinion, online shopping is much more useful than directly done. It is true that we are not able to see the products and thereby many will feel uncomfortable to purchase through this procedure. There was plenty of restrictions before and people had no trust in the dealers but now they have implemented many rules which allow the customers full freedom to purchase.

    Some of the famous online shopping sites are Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong, and much more. All these sites are providing wide ranges of offers on every single products and have also introduced cash on delivery service for getting people's trust. Products are much cheaper with exciting offers which no one could find in market. They also allows the customers to give back their products within the allotted time if they are not satisfied with 100 % cash back facility. Online shopping is so quick that some products may be delivered to you on the day of ordering it. So i prefer online shopping as a better option for purchasing that direct way.

  • #7696
    As the technology changes, facilities in all fields also change. The online shopping is one such instance. It is a gradual progression of the stores to departmental stores, Super markets/super basars, malls etc. The 'online shops' are like malls. The only difference is that in malls one has to go to the shops while in online shops we need not go out of our home. But this felicity of ordering home is available in stores and super bazaars too. We have to telephone to the store and the items will be door delivered. I normally prefer to go to the store see the items and buy. Recently, I had to undergo operation and had to take complete rest for some time. I used the facility of ordering by phone and within an hour my items were delivered and the money paid to the delivery person.

    Nowadays most of the items, including provision items are standardized and packaged. So the necessity to physically verifying items are not always necessary. So there is no necessity to go to stores and select items. As for online shops the items available for sale are mentioned with description and prices so that the necessity of physical verification is removed. Whether it will give us any saving, as there is supposed to be no middlemen, is doubtful. The Malls used to propagate that since they directly by from producers middlemen are eliminated and hence the prices will be competitive. But my experience is otherwise. The prices will be almost similar to what is available in other stores.

    But online shopping has the notional advantage that we can order anytime, even at midnight. That is a psychological satisfaction as most of us order things at normal times. However, it is convenient comparing to our going to stores and ordering. While this is followed in many countries, in India it is gaining momentum. If we go for reputed online stores, the risk of cheating will be minimal. However, the risk of online money transactions, though not much, are to be considered. It is a question of individual preferences to go for online or on ground shopping.

    With Regards
    Ramanathan A R

  • #7710
    Theoretically online shopping is better than direct one. But at least some frauds are there who make it doubtful. My son bought a wall clock through online shopping. He got the clock, but not the one he chose. Another friend of mine told me that he got a different object, a cheap one, against the object he ordered.
    Our people make use of everything to make money even if it is by cheating customers.

    Gold Member, SPK

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