Science a boon or a bane

None of us can deny that science has a great impact on our lives. It has affected every walk of our life. At times it has been a boon and at another time it has been a bane as well. Let us ponder a little to the effects science had on our lives.

The benefits of science are numerous. Almost all the facilities which we have today are donated by science. Electricity has given the lead in the progress of science. The communication facilities which we have today are given to us by science. It has made the globe a small village and we can interact regularly with our friends and relatives who stay far away from us. The media has become a part of our life, by showing us incidents taking place at the other end of the world. Science has made revolutions in the treatment of a lot of diseases. The various man made satellites are no longer a wonder. With each satellite being sent to space, our comfort is being increased. All these have helped to improve our life. Science has also helped us to overcome the age old superstitions.

We all are aware of the negative impacts of science on our life. There are a lot of ways in which the modern facilities are being misused. Pollution, Global Warming, New diseases are all donated by science. Above all the new threat the world, terrorism is also linked to science. Nowadays it is the terrorist who make use of science the most. The future of our planet seems critical. All of us are sure that the end is very near. Science has given too much importance to materialism, which has placed money as the prime factor in life. Moreover, we have lost the traits of ancient culture.

Whether it is a boon or a bane is determined by the man who uses it. So let us all try to use science for the best of human kind and the planet.

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Author: T.M.Sankaran27 Jan 2010 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

Science is a boon, no doubt. Originally, scientific inventions were based on needs. It was meant for improving the status of society. Naturally, the human being had to fight the wild animals for their existence. This forced them to invent certain weapons. But later when the human beings themselves started fighting each other for food,wealth, land and other niceties they started using these weapons against their own communities.Better weapons also were developed for combating the enemy.
Later when new inventions came out and the products were found to be useful to the society, takers came to buy the inventors. Because this new group found it is income generating. There came the misuse of science. These groups became strong and they started dictating what should be invented and produced. Thus the same science which started for the betterment of the human society, started to work as detrimental to the interests of the majority.

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