Tips For Protecting Hair From Hair Fall And Dandruff

Here are some tips for protecting hair from hair fall and dandruff. How we can get healthy and beautiful hair? Use this tips and protect your hairs healthy and beautiful. Protect our hair from hair loss and dandruff.

The losing of 10 to 50 hairs per day from our head is natural but losing of more than 50 hairs per day is a serious problem, this situation requires more care and treatments. Here are some tips for protecting and keeping our hair from hair loss and dandruff.

Tips for protecting hairs from dandruff

1. Massage the scalp gently with oil at least one per week and wash the head thoroughly and remove oil completely.
2. Use only the traditional shampoos like thali for hair washing.
3. Take ½ kg coconut oil and 30 gm grind small onion mix it well and allow the onion to fry till brown color. Use this oil for massage the scalp, after 30 minutes wash it with cool water.
4. Sleep at least 8 hour per day.
5. Try yoga regularly.
6. Use little warmed olive oil for massaging the scalp and cover the whole hair with a kerchief( use the kerchief after soaking in hot water) after 45 minutes wash the hair with dandruff shampoo then use some hair oil.
7. For oil hair, use one table spoon lemon juice mix with two table spoon water and apply this mixture on head scalp with some cotton.
8. Mix one spoon lemon juice with an egg white and use this mixture as anti dandruff shampoo.
9. ½ litter water boil with some neem leaves few minutes, after cooling use this water for washing hair.
10. 250 ml mustard oil is mix with 6 drops or lemon juice and massages it on head scalp.

Tips for protecting hair from hair loss

1. Brush the hair before washing.
2. Do not use chlorine mixed water for washing hair.
3. Do not use soap for washing hair.
4. To avoid hair splitting trim the hair less than one inch for once in a month.
5. One glass coconut milk mix with 200 gm green gram powder, massage the scalp with this mixture, after 5 minutes wash it with water.
6. An egg white mix with one spoon olive oil and 5 drops of vitamin E oil, apply this mixture on hair and wash it after 5 minutes.
7. An egg mix with ½ ounce olive oil and apply it on head scalp.
8. Hair straightening and chemical hair colors are increases the chances of hair loss.
9. Do not use hot water for washing hair.
10. Add rich protein content food in your diet.

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