How to reach Pampa, Sabarimala by Train, Bus and Air
Way to Sabarimala or how to reach Pampa, Sabarimala by train, bus and air from major cities like Ernakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore and Hyderabad is given here. Nearest railway stations, airports, bus stands, train timings, route to Pampa from major railway stations like Chengannur railway station and Kottayam railway station, KSRTC timings and other facilities provided by Sabarimala authority is provided here.
Sabarimala is one of the major pilgrimage centers in Kerala. Basically Sabarimala is located in Pathanamthitta district in Kerala. It is considered as the second largest pilgrimage center in India. Every year thousands of pilgrimages are flooding in Sabarimala from different parts of Kerala and its neighboring states.
How to reach Pampa, Sabarimala by road
Every pilgrimage can reach easily to Pampa by vehicles. Then they need to walk with bare legs to reach Sabarimala,
Pilgrimages from Ernakulam can reach Sabarimala through two routes. They can either reach Pampa via Kottayam or Erumeli via Ponkunnam. The approximated distance of Pampa from Ernakulam is 200Km and to Erumeli is 176 km.
Pilgrimage from Thiruvananthapuram can reach Pampa through two routes. One of the route is via Ayoor,Punalur and Pathanamthitta with an approximate distance of 184 km and the other route is via Kottarakkara, Adoor and Pathanamthitta with an approximate distance of 179 km.
Pilgrimage from Chennai can reach Sabarimala via Trichy, Dindigul, Theni-Madurai road , Pathanamthitta- Mundakayam road. The approximate distance is 648 Km. Pilgrimage from Coimbatore can reach Pampa via Mettupalayam road, Chalakudy, Angamaly, Thodupuzha. The approximated distance is 312 km.
Pilgrimage from Bangalore can reach Pampa through the route Hosur road, Namakkal toll gate, Kanyakumari-Varanasi road, Dindigul, Theni-Madurai road , Pathanamthitta- Mundakkayam road.How to reach Pampa, Sabarimala by train
The nearest railway stations to Pampa are Chengannur railway station and Kottayam railway station. You can get trains to these railway stations from all major cities of India.
There is only 93 Kilometers from Chengannur railway station to reach Pampa. You can either drive through Melukara- Ranni road or through MC road. For the first route go through MC road, Kallissery- Eraviperoor road, Pazhayakavu- Pulimoottil Kadavu road, Kumbanad, Thiruvalla, Melukara- Rani road and Madathumoozhi.
For the second route go through Chengannur, Kollakadavu road, MC road, Kaipetoor, Ring road, Pallipady junction and Madathummoozhi. The approximated distance is 95 km.
Pilgrimages who reach Kottayam railway station can reach Sabarimala via two routes. One is through SH 44 and other through Oravachkal- Koorali road. For the first route go through Sastri road, Ponkunnam Junction and SH44. For the second route drive towards Sastri road, Oravachakal- Koorali road, Good Samaritan hospital. The approximated distance is 95 km.
Train to Chengannur and Kottayam railway stations from Major Cities of India.
For knowing the train timetable visit the official website of Sabarimala to reach Sabarimala by Air
The nearest airports to Sabarimala are Thiruvananthapuram International airport and Cochin International airport. You will get authorized taxi services from these airports and can easily reach Sabarimala.